Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

Description :

IASI-SST is a monthly (L3), 1°x1° global dataset of skin temperatures over the sea derived from the IASI satellite radiances data. The data was computed using Planck’s law and simple atmospheric corrections (Parracho et al., 2021). This method was applied to reprocessed IASI/Metop L1C data, in order to produce a homogeneous SST data record from 2008 to the present.

The dataset consists of monthly mean netcdf files.

The version number is 1.0.

Quicklooks :

Metop-A data are available from January 2008 til September 2021.
Metop-B data are available starting February 2013.
Metop-C data are available starting May 2019.

Data access :



Publication :

Parracho, A.C., Safieddine, S., Lezeaux, O., Clarisse, L., Whitburn, S., George, M., Prunet, P. and Clerbaux, C.: IASI‐Derived Sea Surface Temperature Data Set for Climate Studies. Earth and Space Science, 8(5),, 2021.

Contact :

Sarah Safieddine ( or Cathy Clerbaux (

Citation :

Parracho, A. C., & Safieddine, S. (2021). IASI-FT Sea Surface Temperature (from IASI/Metop-A, B and C) [Data set]. LATMOS.,,

Preparation of the data :

Lisa Lam and Maya George (LATMOS).

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